In his vision, Glinthii is surrounded by white clouds, and as they part he sees his father, a mighty planetar, hovering in front of him with massive sword in both hands, tip pointed at the ground. His father smiles gently, but there is sadness in his eyes.

“Glinthii, my son, I come to you in this hour of need to deliver a message from Master Odin. I regret to report that the Allfather has fallen in defense of Asgard. He lies in the Odinsleep, regenerating from his grievous wounds, diligently watched over by Loki and Thor.”

His wings flap, the stark white feathers seemingly to glow as he hovers. “The Whispered One has made a pompous bid for control of all Reality, calling in allies and minions through his position as the god of secrets. Unspoken truths hold great power, my son, and the Whispered One is using that power to glut himself and begin a ritual that will unmake the entirety of Reality with three blasphemous words.”

The sadness in his eyes fades replaced by determination.

“The Lich-God has successfully paused the eternal Blood War, joining the forces of Chaos and Evil under a single banner. Demons and Devils have assaulted the divine domains of every god and goddess of Law and Good. The struggle continues though many gods and goddess have fallen and their realms are overrun. The looming shadow of Evil casts itself throughout the planes. The Whispered One has sent his minions into the Nine Worlds of the Prime Material Plane in search of long forgotten relics that can be drained of their power for use in his vile machinations. One of these is the fabled Rod of Seven Parts. Many among us believe that this powerful artifact could be used to strike down The Whispered One.”

With that, Glinthi embraces his son, wrapping him in the soft, glimmering angelic wings. “You were born into a glorious destiny and your time is now. Mystra the goddess of magic intervened in the magic of the Wizards Three, bringing you and the other champions to them. Now is your time, my son. Serve as the tip of the Sword of Vengeance. Do your best to defeat the Whispered One.”

With that, Glinthi ends the embrace and backs up slightly, hovering in front of Glinthii. “I must return to Asgard.” He smiles. “Good luck, son, you must not fail.”

And with that, the vision ends.